ECO-QUICK gel is a solidifier that will absorb slurry solids into a safe material that can be disposed of immediately. ECO-QUICK gel meets the EPA Method 9095B Paint Filter Test and EPA regulations for proper disposal methods. Find out more under our “EPA Compliant” page. 20 grams per gallon of treated material will create a gel like substance within minutes that is safe to disposed of in any standard waste container.
ECO-QUICK gel encapsulates the heavy metals, and keeps the slurry from emulsifying. The construction industry is faced with the increasing regulation for slurry waste water and compliant disposal is at the top of the list. ECO-QUICK gel can reduce the liability and the cost for slurry water disposal.
To enquire about this product – call us on 01 8665676 / 087-9367065 or contact us here