Specialised silt fence fabric used as an entrenched interceptor fence to control pollution caused by silt laden construction site stormwater run-off.

Specialised silt fence fabric used as an entrenched interceptor fence to control pollution caused by silt laden construction site storm water run-off.

The Problem

Many construction, forestry and farming activities result in disturbed or bare ground that is vulnerable to weather erosion. The silt laden run-off, plus site debris and other pollutants, often contaminates surrounding land, rivers, streams, lakes and drains – resulting in significant environmental diffuse pollution and potentially costly fines.

However, due to the on-going nature of such work, it is generally not possible to protect exposed surfaces until the project is complete. So storm water from such sites represents a major non-point source of diffuse water pollution in the UK.


  • Top tying-off + tensioning ribbon
  • Fibrous weft yarn provides excellent filtration (Premium)
  • Proven performance
  • Traps harmful silt via settlement and filtration
  • Purpose designed for application
  • High tensile strength
  • UV Stabilised
  • Non fraying reinforced edges
  • High quality weave
  • Exceptional balance of permeability vs filtration

The Solution – Silt Fence Installation

Terrastop™ Premium is a special, high quality, permeable, technical filter fabric for stormwater surface runoff pollution management. Terrastop™ can be installed as an entrenched vertical entrapment fence, and is designed to intercept and detain stormwater run-off, trapping harmful silt through settlement and filtration before it leaves the site.

The benefits of the silt fence installation are increasingly becoming recognised in Britain: The Environment Agency/SEPA Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPG5) now recommend the use of silt fences to reduce silt transport from exposed ground and stock piles; and research at The James Hutton Institute, using Terrastop silt fencing, demonstrated that even after post-harvest contour grubbing of potato fields an estimated 80 tonnes of soil containing 60-70 kg phosphate-P contaminants was trapped from a 17ha field [Dr Andy Vinten].

Silt fences have also been used extensively in other countries for many years, and their proven performance (Intercepting up to 86% of suspended solids [Horner et al. 1990]) has made them a standard Best Management Practice on a diverse range construction projects, while in-depth research and practical experience has identified the most important characteristics for effective results.

Kirsty Liddon’s Edinburgh University Dissertation “Prevention of Diffuse Pollution from Active Forestry Harvesting Sites:” concluded “the Hy-Tex [Terrastop Premium] material appears to be the most suitable material for use as sediment retention as it has the most consistent performance between differing soil types retaining the highest volumes of sediment for both gley and peat solutions.”

Key Features

Based on this invaluable knowledge, Terrastop™ Premium has been designed to exceed the highest standards, incorporates many unique features, and is also “CE Mark” certified for erosion control applications in accordance with new mandatory
European requirements

The Purpose of a Silt Fence
The primary purpose of a silt fence in Ireland is to control soil erosion by:

Sediment Containment: Silt fences act as a barrier that intercepts and captures sediment-laden runoff water before it can escape the construction site or disturbed area.
Silt fences are an essential component of erosion control measures required to meet these regulatory standards.

Preserving Natural Habitats: Silt fences help prevent the degradation of local ecosystems by reducing the influx of sediment into sensitive habitats, such as wetlands and watercourses. This preservation of natural environments is crucial for Ireland’s biodiversity.

Type 3 Silt Fence in Ireland

Type 3 silt fences are a specific category of silt fences commonly used in Ireland. These silt fences are designed to meet stringent quality and performance standards to ensure effective erosion control. Key characteristics of Type 3 silt fences may include:

Enhanced Filtration: Type 3 silt fences are designed with improved filtration capabilities to capture even smaller sediment particles, providing a higher level of protection to water bodies.

Durability: These silt fences are built to withstand the often unpredictable Irish weather conditions, ensuring they remain effective during periods of heavy rain and strong winds.

Compliance: Type 3 silt fences adhere to Irish environmental regulations, making them a suitable choice for construction and development projects seeking to meet legal requirements.

Reliability: Given the significance of erosion control in Ireland, Type 3 silt fences are a reliable choice for ensuring sediment containment and preventing off-site pollution.

Data Sheet & Guidelines

Terrastop Data Sheet

Terrastop Installation Guide

Data Sheet & Guidelines

Laing O’Rourke December 2017

National Grid June 2008


Question 1.

Q.: What is Terrastop™ Premium Silt Fence, and how does it work? A.: Terrastop™ Premium Silt Fence is a high-quality, permeable filter fabric designed to manage stormwater runoff and control pollution caused by silt-laden water from construction sites. It functions as an entrenched interceptor fence that captures and detains stormwater runoff, trapping harmful silt through a combination of settlement and filtration. This prevents sediment from leaving the site and contaminating surrounding land and water bodies.

Question 2.

Q.: What are the key features of Terrastop™ Premium Silt Fence? A.: The Terrastop™ Premium Silt Fence boasts several notable features:

  • High Tensile Strength: Ensures durability and effectiveness in various weather conditions.
  • UV Stabilisation: Provides resistance to sunlight, extending the product’s lifespan.
  • Reinforced Edges: Prevents fraying and ensures structural integrity.
  • Effective Filtration: Traps sediment through advanced weave technology, balancing permeability and filtration.
  • CE Mark Certification: Meets mandatory European standards for erosion control applications.

Question 3.

Q.: Why is silt fence installation important for environmental protection in Ireland? A.: Silt fence installation is crucial for protecting Ireland’s environment by controlling soil erosion and sediment runoff. It helps prevent the contamination of natural habitats, such as wetlands and watercourses, which are essential for biodiversity. By intercepting sediment-laden runoff, silt fences reduce pollution and preserve local ecosystems, contributing to compliance with environmental regulations and preventing costly fines.

Question 4.

Q.: What is a Type 3 Silt Fence, and what makes it suitable for use in Ireland? A.: A Type 3 Silt Fence is a specific category designed to meet high performance and quality standards for erosion control. It features enhanced filtration capabilities to capture smaller sediment particles and is built to withstand Ireland’s unpredictable weather, including heavy rain and strong winds. These fences adhere to Irish environmental regulations, ensuring reliable sediment containment and effective pollution prevention for construction and development projects.

Question 5.

Q.: How should Terrastop™ Premium Silt Fence be installed for optimal performance? A.: For optimal performance, Terrastop™ Premium Silt Fence should be installed according to the following guidelines:

  • Site Preparation: Clear the installation area of debris and ensure it is level.
  • Fence Placement: Position the fence along the contour of the site to intercept runoff effectively.
  • Entrenching: Dig a trench to place the bottom of the fence, securing it to prevent underflow.
  • Tensioning: Ensure the fabric is taut and secure to maintain its effectiveness.
  • Regular Maintenance: Inspect and maintain the fence regularly to address any damage or sediment accumulation.

To enquire about this product – call us on 01 8665676 / 087-9367065 or contact us here